Despite months of coordinated efforts to demand that immigrant families be included as part of federal COVID-19 relief packages, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Cory Gardner have not released any substantial bill that would include immigrants in the next COVID relief package.
This negligence is impacting millions of families across our country and in our state, like Reydesel’s family. Rey tells his story to honor the undocumented domestic workers, and women cleaning businesses, hospitals and government buildings to protect us against COVID-19.
“I would like to share a story in honor of all the women cleaning businesses, hospitals, homes, and government buildings during the pandemic. My story is about my mother’s hands but it could be about your mother’s hands — the hands of women who are protecting us against COVID-19.”
Rey and his mother’s story highlight the cruelty of the first CARES COVID relief package that excludes thousands from the federal stimulus check. Our country cannot continue to deem immigrants ‘essential’ and deny them access to basic benefits and relief during this global pandemic.
“I want my mom’s hands to hold our diplomas, degrees, achievement awards, and her future grandchildren. Those hands made me what I am today. And they have endured a lot over the last 44 years of struggles — being a young mother, raising four children, and even crossing the desert so her children would not have to work on the cotton farms in Mexico like she did as a child.”
Rey’s mom and other immigrant mothers, brothers, sisters, and community members are serving on the frontlines and deserve dignity and respect for their lives. Please join us and Rey in using your voice and hands to speak up and call on Senator Cory Gardner to include immigrants in the next COVID-19 stimulus package.
“Now it is time to use my hands to help unite the United States. I want my hands to protect my mom’s health, and the health of so many women cleaning up COVID-19 for the country.”
“I especially want to raise my hands for the thousands of undocumented women working, like my mother, who somehow are both essential labor for our country and called illegal and other names. Together we will recover from COVID-19 — in part because of the hard working hands of women and men cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. THANK YOU!”
We must continue to fight and raise our voices and hands for our immigrant brothers and sisters. Our futures and ability to thrive beyond COVID-19 depend wholly on our ability to look out for those most vulnerable among us. No one should be left behind.
Reydesel Salvidrez-Rodriguez’s story is part of Motus Theater’s UNDOCUAMERICA Series, which was created to interrupt the dehumanizing portrayals of immigrants by encouraging thoughtful engagement on the challenges facing the undocumented community and the ways in which they are assets to our country
#StandWithImmigrants #WeAreEssential
Please join us in asking the Colorado Division of Insurance (DOI) to remove social security numbers from health insurance applications! This proposed rule would also support the implementation of the Health Insurance Affordability Fund, which expands health insurance subsidies to immigrants without documentation. There’s a lot of opposition, so DOI needs to hear from you in support of the change!
Requiring SSNs on health insurance applications creates an arbitrary and unnecessary barrier for immigrants who deserve equal access to healthcare. You can take action here or submit your own comment using these useful writing tips from our partners at Center for Health Progress. This document also has a template letter if your organization would like to submit a letter, or if you as an individual would like to provide a comment in support. You can send your letter via email at
It’s more important now than ever to make sure everyone has access to affordable healthcare, especially those who are most vulnerable and disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 global pandemic.
You have until this Thursday, August 6th to submit a comment or letter to
In Solidarity & Struggle,
Raquel Lane-Arellano