CO Rapid Response Network calls on veterans, people of faith, immigrant and citizens, on the community to join our network of solidarity and mutual aid to take strategic action
Denver – Colorado (January 29, 2025) This past week, the Colorado Rapid Response Network confirmed the presence of Customs and Border Patrol vehicles, Department of Homeland Security vehicles and unmarked vehicles accompanying them patrolling in Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and Larimer County. A few long term residents of Pueblo, Larimer and La Plata Counties were detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in visible actions, as well as 50 people in one action in Adams County on Sunday, January 26, 2025. This morning we confirmed an operation in Brighton where ICE and police went door to door knocking, but people knew their rights and did not open the door. The Colorado Rapid Response Network condemns both the actions and the rhetoric of the Trump Administration. The Administration’s announcement it will utilize Buckley Airforce Base is an affront to our constitution and an insult to the commitment service members have made to protect it.
In the Denver area, the DEA led a high profile action at 66th avenue and Federal Blvd. Instead of executing arrest warrants for specific individuals and charging others, it appears that most of the 50 people detained have no criminal charges pending and are instead being held by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on civil immigration charges only. ICE brought a bus to the operation and filled that bus. Our network confirmed at least two of the people detained by ICE are US citizens, 1 has Temporary Protected Status and at least 6 people had work permits and no previous charges or convictions. Anyone impacted by this action can contact the hotline to document their case.
The Rapid Response Network is deeply dedicated to community health and frequently supports victims and witnesses of crime in the course of our work. However, the presence of ICE undermines the credibility of other law enforcement agencies and fosters fear within immigrant and broader communities. Far from enhancing public safety, ICE’s indiscriminate actions make all Coloradans less safe.
“The Administration’s rhetoric attempts to divide the immigrant movement by criminalizing entire groups of people and attempt to plant the seed that the constitution has exceptions,” said Gladis Ibarra of the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition. “But we’re not buying it. All people are protected by due process and our ideals of human dignity. Our state is safest when all members of the community can participate and access the resources they need for their families, when local governments do not engage in immigration policy enforcement, and that’s what our policies and laws ensure. If you see ICE enforcement, call our hotline immediately to report it 1.844.8648341.”
Since August, our network has documented indiscriminate detention by ICE in Aurora and Colorado as well as a pattern of indefinite detention on the suspicion someone is an immigrant – with no charges filed. “Aurora is a vibrant, deeply interconnected city. Our members know their rights and stand for what’s best for Aurora and Colorado as a whole.” said Kayla Frawley, Director of Organizing at Colorado People’s Alliance. “These raids are a disturbing attempt to intimidate states like ours who have taken steps to protect immigrants from federal overreach and ICE abuses, who are protecting constitutional rights and standing up for every resident immigrant or not.”
Organizers are pointing to the unjust and racially discriminatory criteria that is used to decide who is a priority for deportation. Andrea Loya of Casa de Paz elaborated “Gang databases have been proven to be nothing more than racial profiling. For example, a resource officer in a school or parking lot sees a teenager with a tattoo, talking to three or more young men on a corner, and that’s enough to get you in a gang database that ICE has access to. ”
Under an Executive Order, other federal law enforcement agencies are now required to invite ICE to join their task forces. That order is designed to circumvent local and state law that limit collaboration between ICE and local law enforcement. These task force operations with ICE present have resulted in indiscriminate arrest and detention in states and localities that have ‘Safe City’ policies. The Colorado Rapid Response Network any agency partnering with ICE will soon find it impossible to find witnesses or victims willing to come forward.
“In Colorado we are one community regardless of our citizenship status. We work together and work hard to build a state where everyone can participate in our neighborhoods and schools, small businesses and farms.” said Jennifer Piper, Director of Interfaith Organizing at the American Friends Service Committee. “In Denver and across the country, local immigrant and citizen communities stand strong with our elected officials who have created Safe Cities where everyone can contribute to the health of our cities. Our members remain focused on organizing for community defense and towards policies that create true stability for every Coloradan like affordable housing and access to healthcare.”
In the face of these raids, the Colorado Rapid Response Network vowed to continue their work conducting “know your rights” training, mobilizing rapid response and community defense networks and taking direct action.